Tuesday 1 August 2017

TWO + ONE = 3

She was nervous and excited at the same time, and so was he, but they both knew that together this was something they wanted to share and experience. Neither had ever taken part in a threesome, but to_ Zandra:Can you kiss roughly with a (healed) vertical labret?(1 August 2017) Zandra:Like does the person kissing you have to [...]

Girls? If you had extremly bad breath and a dude came up to you who was attractive and said wow your breath stinks and your pretty! May I?
(2 August 2017)

What should I do to get my boyfriend Travis back because I have got him in trouble on his job?
(2 August 2017)

Cassiel as a baby name?
(1 August 2017)

Not to be confused with Castiel.
(1 August 2017)

And by sociopath, I also consider narcissists under this category.
(1 August 2017)

Why are really attractive women always drawn towards dating guys who are sociopaths and alcoholics?
(1 August 2017)

I notice that most extremely beautiful women always are dating a guy who is either a) a sociopath b) an alcoholic or drug addict or c) both.
(1 August 2017)

Next week on the 9th she doesn't know wether to sleep or stay up she's gonna be so scared.
(1 August 2017)

She hates needles and IV's too she had a bad experience with them.
(1 August 2017)

She really hates hospitals during the first few months of her pregnancy she kept having nightmares about the doctors using needles stabbing her to death.
(1 August 2017)

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