Monday, 10 April 2017

Monica is also a student working on her college degree in Christian ministry

What are the symbolic acts in Jeremiah, the professor asks. In the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women (LCIW), her home for fifteen years, Monica is one of twelve hundred women. Here in class, she is one of only twenty. Others listen when she speaks in class._ Alex:So I see him all the time but he … Continue reading Monica is also a student working on her college degree in Christian ministry

I have three siblings and all three have kids wear as I do not.
(9 April 2017)

If you rekindled a relationship days before somebody found out they were dying, would you consider it fate?
(9 April 2017)

Would you believe this meant we had some metaphysical b9nd or it was all just chance?
(9 April 2017)

The day he died, I sent him an email just hours after he died.
(9 April 2017)

Didn't do that in the entire 5 months.
(9 April 2017)

The day before he died, I called his phone.
(9 April 2017)

His friend told me he passed a day after he died.
(9 April 2017)

Once he found out he was I'll it was as if I would interfere with their cojoining in death.
(9 April 2017)

He has been married for 20 years and his wife died.
(9 April 2017)

He didn't speak to me while ill.
(9 April 2017)

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