Saturday 22 April 2017

Getting close!

I have had about 4 guys hit on me today, now if I can just get stuff set up with all of them… “D_ Cathey:It really doesn’t bother me that much but, I am kind of curious if this is normal or not.(21 April 2017) Fidela:Telling girl favorite things about her?(21 April 2017) Fidela:I’m completely lost on what [...]

When someone touches your arm?
(21 April 2017)

I wasn't looking at him but I saw that he was watching me walk toward him and once I got close enough he lightly placed his hand on my upper arm with his fingers kind of wrapped around my arm, but he didn't squeeze or anything like that.
(21 April 2017)

We hadn't seen each other in months and I was walking past him while looking straight ahead.
(21 April 2017)

This guy I work with put his hand on my upper arm to get my attention as I walked by him.
(21 April 2017)

I accidentally put my d-i-c-k- in someone else besides my girlfriend. She dumped me. Whats her problem? It was an accident!?
(21 April 2017)

I tried to drop some alternative facts on her but it didn't work.
(21 April 2017)

She says I meant to cheat on her.
(21 April 2017)

My boyfriend treats me bad but I love him?
(21 April 2017)

He knows I will take him back therefore he continues to treat me this way and it's only getting worse please help..
(21 April 2017)

I'm just really upset he some hoe manages to make me cry and everytime I try to end it I miss him and I take him back.
(21 April 2017)

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