Sunday 23 April 2017

The Ideal Cock

What is the ideal Cock length?_ Shelba:How do I severely and savagely torture someone?(22 April 2017) Shelba:So, I want to cause as much suffering to her as possible.(22 April 2017) Shelba:I want to do it to this particular woman because well, she touched my chin.(22 April 2017) Aliza:When can I go full-time at my job?(22 April 2017) Aliza:Is it best [...]

I'm dating a African guy who keeps asking me for money?
(22 April 2017)

I didn't mind helping him but ever since it's been one tragedy after another.
(22 April 2017)

I want looking he just showed up and was so sweet.
(22 April 2017)

I met this guy shortly after being in a relationship that ended tragically to a man who used me for 10 years.
(22 April 2017)

How much time should couples spend together??
(22 April 2017)

But I've gotten so used to seeing her everyday I just wonder what it would be like if I didn't see her everyday now.
(22 April 2017)

I want her to hang with her friends and things like that.
(22 April 2017)

I've been telling her that she needs some girl time, and that's not because I don't want to spend time with her, it's because I want her to know I respect her space too.
(22 April 2017)

We're both 24. Before I started dating my girlfriend she spent a lot of time with her best friend but now they hardly hang out and talk.
(22 April 2017)

She is a single mom and in school but she still makes time for me and I just work full time but going back to school in the fall.
(22 April 2017)

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