Friday 7 April 2017

Best New Years Date EVER!!!

Hi Readers…With the new year approaching,I’m sure you are making plans or have plans, which makes me reflect on a year ago today actually,I had the best date ever!! We met here,and started to chat,p_ Leo:Is it alright for Jen-Natalia to have four boyfriends?(4 April 2017) Leo:So at my school the four men named Dick, Dong, Willie, [...]

What can I now say to indicate he's in my friends zone?
(6 April 2017)

No reason why with email, cells, etc why this should happen.
(6 April 2017)

What if he's cheating but otherwise perfect?
(6 April 2017)

I have 3 special needs children he stepped right up to take care of, he is active in political stuff for low income families and helps anyone he can.
(6 April 2017)

My boyfriend of 10 months has been PERFECT.
(6 April 2017)

Should I tell my guy friend I like him?
(6 April 2017)

Plus things between us wouldn't work out if he does still like me.. but he probably doesn't anymore.
(6 April 2017)

I don't even know if he likes me anymore but should I tell him or not?
(6 April 2017)

Now this year I really started to think about him a lot and I had a dream where I wanted to tell him I like him but I was too scared because he probably got over his feelings for me.
(6 April 2017)

He told me he had feelings for me in the beginning but I didn't.
(6 April 2017)

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