Monday 3 June 2019

Sexual Holidays or Days Devoted To Acknowledging The Sexual Aspect Of Life

[image]It was pointed out to me by one of my poly friends that today is May Day.Traditionally, the 1st of May is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere and traditionally welcomes Spring coming back.The_ Tess:So say a porn star is married to his wife but has sex with other multiple of women?(2 June 2019) Tess:Isn’t that still considered [...]

I'm a bit put out by this and feel like I should confront him.
(31 May 2019)

The messages attached are mostly commenting on the images and filth I would not have expected from them.
(31 May 2019)

He has pics of random girls in very sultry positions and naked and some videos which I didn't want to open.
(31 May 2019)

I accidentally found that my boyfriend and one of his friends have been sending porn to each other on their phones.
(31 May 2019)

How is Gigi Hadid half Middle-Eastern?
(31 May 2019)

I think I like my guy best friend...Advice??
(31 May 2019)

Im pretty sure hes still hung up on his ex girlfriend who lives out of state (me and my guy best friend live kinda close but not close evough to walk to each others houses if that gives you a hint) and that I would probably never have a chance.
(31 May 2019)

Where should I be looking to get a job during the summer? btw I'm 14?
(30 May 2019)

My friend 10 yrs older than me thinks my miss u and love u statements to her as disrespectful, but uses and accepts those from other girls?
(30 May 2019)

Should I try to rekindle the relationship?
(30 May 2019)

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