Wednesday 12 June 2019

Do NOT Go There!

Hard as it may be to believe, there are some places in the world that are actively working on, or at least considering, discouraging visitors. The reason is that too many people ruin the enjoyment of_ Sherrill:Never done this, don’t really want to get the shot, I told my wife she can so she see the [...]

Her previous doctor thinks she's overreacting and underestimate how bad it was to have loved such a childhood as a mistreated kid.
(9 June 2019)

How do you learn to get over being nervous around extended family whom you've known all your life? (I'm in my 20s.)?
(9 June 2019)

I sometimes feel that maybe I should move so then I'd appreciate their absence, but then, again, they would probably think I was moving because of them.
(9 June 2019)

I also feel like the older adults come across as judgmental of all of our (the cousins') life choices, etc.
(9 June 2019)

I've also tried not going to things and that has led them to believe I hate them or strongly dislike them, when what I don't like is the forced socialization.
(9 June 2019)

Also, we usually do every single holiday together (on top of seeing them each week). It has become exhausting to me because not much changes in a week with them, and I feel myself not knowing what to talk about when they ask how's life.
(9 June 2019)

I could maybe deal with once a month, but many of us still go to the same church.
(9 June 2019)

I feel a bit exhausted because I see them almost every week.
(9 June 2019)

But I don't always like them all of the time.
(9 June 2019)

I LOVE my extended family members.
(9 June 2019)

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