Wednesday 26 June 2019

I Wonder How Many Women REALLY Turn Down Sex……..

[image]If they discovered that a man has too large of a penis for them to handle_ Adell:I figured everything was alright since I didn’t have no blood clots or since it didn’t get heavy.(24 June 2019) Adell:I thought it would of got heavier I put a pad on and only spotted for maybe an hour my pad [...]

Me and my ex were married for 15 years before we got divorced.
(23 June 2019)

Also Snakes only attack when they feel threatened so I watch where I go.
(23 June 2019)

Also were i go there are not really any rattle snakes just non venomous bull snakes.
(23 June 2019)

Affection for someone too young - help!?
(23 June 2019)

I would never step beyond my bounds or even make any moves before he is of age and mature enough to do so.
(23 June 2019)

Although I do adore him, I also respect him.
(23 June 2019)

Again, please don't take this the wrong way.
(23 June 2019)

Do I move on with my life and forget about him when I go to college in 2 months?
(23 June 2019)

Obviously I know he isn't legal yet and I would never do anything of the sort until he is 17 (legal in NY). But it's driving me nuts.
(23 June 2019)

I can't tell and I don't even know if he's bi or gay at all.
(23 June 2019)

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