Saturday 29 June 2019

Another chance…

Well, the ‘honeymoon period’ is ending… DOST is getting busier and chatting lesser. The weird part is I am feeling a sense of relief. Because deep down somewhere, I also know I am only searching for_ Corey:I asked my boy Barry for a loan, but he only gave me $20.(28 June 2019) Corey:Should I wait until the [...]

He also will let me know hes home safe after a hookup.
(26 June 2019)

He was also mentioning how he had a fwb thing going on with his ex whenever she is not dating someone which is basically every 6 months.
(26 June 2019)

He will text me randomly to check up on me.
(26 June 2019)

He has called me hun a few times.
(26 June 2019)

We dont see each other much due to opposite schedules.
(26 June 2019)

Weve been doing this for about 2 months.
(26 June 2019)

Where can I get a little boy to suck my nipples?
(26 June 2019)

Should I trust my instinct and distance myself from her or give her a chance.
(26 June 2019)

In the past when I have had a gut feeling things would not work out I ignored it and went on with the relationship but this time again I feel like things won't work out between us.
(26 June 2019)

I like this girl as a friend and she seems nice but so did my ex.
(26 June 2019)

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