Sunday 16 June 2019

I’ll Give You What You Need

Lock the door baby. I promise you’re gonna want to read this with your panties off.Ready? Good.You wanna know something baby? I’m gonna fuck you tonight. I know you want me. You’re feeling naughty on_ Phoebe:Why does every girl i’m talking to or dating want to have my baby?(10 June 2019) Lakeesha:Who would have the say in [...]

Thing is, we bascially don't have contact anymore and I get the feeling that they don't really want me there anyway.
(12 June 2019)

So in Sweden we celebrate this thing called midsummer and I have planned with my relatives to spend it at their place.
(12 June 2019)

It frustrates me that it's hard for me to find a boyfriend?
(12 June 2019)

I want my crush to carry me and kiss me with a smile?
(12 June 2019)

I would love to feel his squishy firm and chest pressed against me.
(12 June 2019)

He is the sexiest guy I've ever seen and he sparkles.
(12 June 2019)

Did my ex boyfriend actually change even though he went back to his ex gf after i dumped him?
(12 June 2019)

Can people be this desperate and are not able to get over a relationship that is not actually working out.
(12 June 2019)

When he went back to his ex gf , his life changed so much, he does not work anymore, got into drugs again and stays at home all day.
(12 June 2019)

Its obvious that they are together only because they act as a support system for each other.
(12 June 2019)

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