Friday 14 June 2019

Anyone else…

Having problems with your message center? It shows I have messages, but when I open it, I don’t see any, and out going messages aren’t being shown as sent._ Daina:Why this girl laugh differently around me? Is she flirting?(8 June 2019) Daina:So what I don t understand is why would she be doing this to me?(8 June [...]

I don't want her to know I'm not a party person at all, and super introverted and nerdy, I just don't look like a nerd, cuz im tall and athletic, etc.
(10 June 2019)

But in reality, this is just naturally how i always been.
(10 June 2019)

She thought i was sad, so I just went with that.
(10 June 2019)

But she often ask why am I so quiet?
(10 June 2019)

Surprisingly, she called me back aftrr to hang out and be are now kinda boyfriend and girlfriend.
(10 June 2019)

She's very loud and adventurous.
(10 June 2019)

So I met this girl at a party i was dragged to, but she ended up being all over me and sucked me off.
(10 June 2019)

Why does every girl i'm talking to or dating want to have my baby?
(10 June 2019)

Who would have the say in a abortion if a baby were grown in a artificial womb?
(10 June 2019)

If i didn't use protection could i be pregnant im 16 and he pulled out before qnduthing came out but im still scared i didnt even think?
(10 June 2019)

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