Friday 7 June 2019

Cause It Sets My Soul On Fire

Burning[image]from a flame[image2]hidden it resides[image3]burning deep inside[image4]engulfing our spirits[image5]with pleasures beyond divineWhat do you crave?For those of you who think you know me_ Gay:Can someone’s life change to the better out of no where for no reason?(31 May 2019) Gay:Can we really and suddenly have good luck and our life turns out to be better , with [...]

So me and my ex best friend work together and we were friends for 3 years. 4th of july of 2018 we got into a fight and we still dont speak to this day unless its work related.
(4 June 2019)

Is it good to read books to 2 month old babies?
(4 June 2019)

How do I control this?
(4 June 2019)

How can I stop having these weird insecure episodes?
(4 June 2019)

Usually, I would go out and seek the attention of men which, of course, doesn't last long and makes it even worse, but I'm trying to deal with it in a healthier way.
(4 June 2019)

After an hour or two, though, it went away.
(4 June 2019)

I get the feeling that nobody will want to be in a relationship with me, whether that be because I'm boring, unattractive, annoying, clingy, etc and I'm just generally not feeling very good about myself and insecure.
(4 June 2019)

I'll be fine the whole day, happy and then suddenly, I feel like I'm really ugly and I'll always be lonely.
(4 June 2019)

I'll get really bad feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem out of nowhere.
(4 June 2019)

My crush rejected me because of my skin color. Has this ever happen to you?
(4 June 2019)

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