Monday 3 June 2019


Ronald Gerald Wayne co-founded Apple Computer with Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Wayne worked with Steve Jobs at Atari before he, Jobs, and Wozniak founded Apple Computer on April 1, 1976. Serving as_ Elida:Any one here plan on never getting married?(2 June 2019) Bev:How to warn a middle-aged man against marrying a gold-digger?(2 June 2019) Bev:Should we keep [...]

I feel isolated also and do not related to anyone out here.
(30 May 2019)

Im.honestly miserable and have no friends anymore like I did in the city.
(30 May 2019)

It's not a perfect relationship and my girlfriemd gets very a reckless and has an attitude sonetimes with ADHD.
(30 May 2019)

I want to move to another city but I don't make as much money as I did before i moved here.
(30 May 2019)

My mom was verbally abusive so I blocked her number.
(30 May 2019)

I heard she stopped by but my girlfriend didnt let her in.
(30 May 2019)

I feel like it beats living at home though with my controlling mom who i blocked her number.
(30 May 2019)

I work and come home and do chores here.
(30 May 2019)

I no longer am goal oriented perusing careers.
(30 May 2019)

I hate the country now and how people act all proper and Exactly the same out here in clicks and judgemental.
(30 May 2019)

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