Wednesday 22 May 2019

still on the search

Where are all the cougars in NEW ENGLAND???_ Tamar:Would you wish your friend happy birthday if you to were stepping back from each other?(19 May 2019) Tamar:No expectations but just to be nice.?(19 May 2019) Tamar:Would you step out of the break just to say happy birthday?(19 May 2019) Tamar:And I wanted to wish her happy birthday so I [...]

I love her but I would feel guilty having sex with her.
(19 May 2019)

I feel so much compassion for her it keeps me from seeing her as an actual girl you can make love with.
(19 May 2019)

Once she told me 'I wanna know what real love feels like'. It makes me really sad realizing that he took something of her and let her damaged so bad after years.
(19 May 2019)

Can't get over my girlfriend's past assault?
(19 May 2019)

Once she told me 'I wanna know what real love feels like'.
(19 May 2019)

I just wish she wouldn't cry and hate herself for what happened to her, even if she punches me incounsciously and cries realizing what she did after she wakes up, I dont resent her but she blames herself.
(19 May 2019)

When she sleeps with me she looks for my hand but when she's stressed in her sleep she elbows me hard, but I dont care cause I love her.
(19 May 2019)

Why bot those ones who go clubbing?
(19 May 2019)

She was really shy and introverted at the time.
(19 May 2019)

She is such an innocent, humble and good hearted girl.
(19 May 2019)

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