Saturday 18 May 2019

Advice To A Persistent Male

As much as I hate posts where a woman blogger is complaining about being contacted here by men who may or may not fit their parameters, I just have to do this one.HIM:04/16/17 1:17 AMhi,,,new in here,_ Dacia:I was born late in life because my slut oldest sister got pregnant at 14 with a black guy.(14 [...]

My girlfriend lost her AirPods?
(15 May 2019)

But she s upset that she s in that position then blames me for buying her things.
(15 May 2019)

I dont really think its a big deal since it happens and I can get her another pair.
(15 May 2019)

Why do narcisissitic women date good men?
(15 May 2019)

Would you think she was impressed by them?
(15 May 2019)

My date glanced at my boots and then smiled at me.
(15 May 2019)

Is the timing to finish the intercourse was different for different people?
(15 May 2019)

Why are asian guys stereotyped as being nerdy?
(15 May 2019)

Asian guys don't really have a chance in dating other than in asia.
(15 May 2019)

I know that the successful Crazy Rich Asians movie came out but apparently, that was the only movie with asian leads in 25 years.
(15 May 2019)

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