Tuesday 6 August 2019

stages of a story

Late start on the day. Two larger sessions, one smaller one… 1000, another 1000, and then 400 words to start Chapter Eight because I had an idea of what would happen but it was getting late and I di_ Katrice:When someone tells someone else that they’re the only person on the planet that does this, is [...]

She would flirt with me (in a friendly way) she was a really cool person to be around.
(3 August 2019)

I always caught her staring at me, we used to always talk and i made her smile and laugh soo much.
(3 August 2019)

I always liked her, and she even knew i liked her and she was cool about it.
(3 August 2019)

Her name was Mariana and she was around 35 married with kids.
(3 August 2019)

I work in a hospital, im 23 and there's this woman who worked actoss the hall from me.
(3 August 2019)

I need advice on a situation thats frustrating me.
(3 August 2019)

Kuro means black in Japanese and chitsu means vagina in Japanese.
(3 August 2019)

What would happen if I took lard and rubbed it on an Indian man or woman?
(3 August 2019)

How violated would they be that I poured the essence of animals that they consider sacred to their culture?
(3 August 2019)

If I took some beef stock and poured it on them and cloaked them in a leather jacket, What would happen?
(3 August 2019)

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