Sunday 25 August 2019

Electronic Free Holiday

Heading out of town tomorrow.Into the mountains. No wifi or tv or internet. It is a great break. A time to relax and be in nature. Maybe I can manage to snap some semi nude pics while I am away. And p_ Zelma:I see most of the Toe Ring questions are old and closed, yet I [...]

My boyfriend wants to hang out with me and my girl friends too much.
(22 August 2019)

Are you in touch with your ex? Or at least aware of how they are?
(22 August 2019)

Two months ago I went to LA for work and it brought back memories so just for the heck of it, I made an effort to look up my ex and found out that 7 months after our break up she died in an accident...
(22 August 2019)

I met someone, got married, had a baby etc.
(22 August 2019)

I didn't even know anyone she knew.
(22 August 2019)

She lived in Cali and I was in the east coast.
(22 August 2019)

I had a lot of changes in my life happening at the time so once broken up, I lost all contact with her.
(22 August 2019)

But the distance couldn't hold the relationship for long and we broke up.
(22 August 2019)

We flew back and forth to meet up.. By now we had a little bit of good money flow and didn't need to sneak around.
(22 August 2019)

Two years were great and then she moved to california and a year later even I left nyc.
(22 August 2019)

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