Friday 9 August 2019

Period Sex: Do You Have IT? Even Oral?

I find that many women go wild when I perform oral sex on them during their period.Ted_ Solange:And now it.makes me think i dont what wrong…. like every body treatinf me different abd like they want me to act different ut like they wanna make it obvious that i havr sex… and btw im 18. I [...]

Im a junior in school and im 17 and I'm dating a senior who is 18 and he about to be 19. I'm so mad at him because he never walk with me to class and he walk with his female friend who is a sophomore to her class every single day.
(6 August 2019)

Theres a guy who sat next to me in class and sometimes from the corner of my eye it seems he looks at me randomly or when i speak in clasa?
(6 August 2019)

Why do demons keep making me bite my tongue and jaw whenever I start to complain about things?
(6 August 2019)

Is it that they're trying to make me feel ashamed of the fact that I'm trying to expose all the corruption around me and think making me bite my tongue or my jaw while I'm talking (or eating and thinking at the same time) is going to shut me up?
(6 August 2019)

Has anyone experienced guys making weird noises during sex?
(6 August 2019)

What to do when coworkers keeps harassing you?
(6 August 2019)

I am so angry at my Dad for mistreating me cause I am different due to Mental Illness. How do I get over this anger and move on?
(6 August 2019)

PEARL----I am an adult so calling CPS is useless as I am out on my own and only see this man about once a month.
(6 August 2019)

I feel hatred towards my arrogant father.
(6 August 2019)

I am now at home in my bare feet so since it is warm out and I do not have to get out of my car and we are coming right back home I am just going to drive in my bare feet and leave my shoes at home.
(6 August 2019)

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