Sunday 11 August 2019

Experiments with my dick (warning dick pics not very good but still)

Like most men I have a penis and like most men I get spam emails about “Natural male enhancement” pills and devices. Usually I just delete everything in my spam folder and move on with my life like a_ Queenie:So my brothers stopped talking to my mom entirely after she came out as gay to my [...]

I feel like I was just used in our relationship now bc she broke up with me bc she didn't see us having a future right now.
(8 August 2019)

I learned after 2 weeks of the break up that my ex and one of my close friends were sexting and doing other stuff together 1 week after we broke up.
(8 August 2019)

We broke up because we were in different places in our life.
(8 August 2019)

My gf and I broke up a month ago.
(8 August 2019)

It twins were born into British royal family, how would the christening work?
(8 August 2019)

All the babies wear the same gown, would they make a replica for the second one, or would they be christened at seperate times?
(8 August 2019)

Why do i love girls so much xD?
(8 August 2019)

Speacially age between 15-21. I like to befriend them, to talk to them, interact to them, fall in love with them, and maybe even make love with them :P Girls are amazing, don't ya think ?
(8 August 2019)

I quit my job and my married boss wants to be friends?
(8 August 2019)

Would this be a good idea to become friends with my ex boss?
(8 August 2019)

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