Monday 29 July 2019

Which Taste?

What is the one taste you could never ever give up? Coffee?Wine?Beer?Chocolate?Cum(his or hers)?If you had to give up 4 of these things which ONE SOLE thing would choose to keep and continue to enjoy_ Ressie:He was there with his mother, my mom’s aunt by marriage (uncle’s widow) and his wife and kids.(27 July 2019) Audie:What could [...]

They inserted a metal stick to break the water, which began a long process of extreme pain.
(26 July 2019)

Induced labor, and I had no idea how much more painful induced is than natural waterbreaking.
(26 July 2019)

How do I get myself to see how most my summer days have been good despite frequent obsessing over whether I am having a good summer or not?
(26 July 2019)

Also how do I shift my focus when I do get the fear of having a bad summer?
(26 July 2019)

My uncle is famous locally and so his wife, soon to be ex, is famous also through him.
(26 July 2019)

Still not sure why it is national news, it is understandably huge news locally.
(26 July 2019)

It is big news in the town I live in though I did not realize it was national news at all.
(26 July 2019)

They wanted to do a story on it.
(26 July 2019)

Anonymous--Inside Edition contacted me last night.
(26 July 2019)

Anonymous---- Not sure what your talking about, they have never divorced before.
(26 July 2019)

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