Monday 15 July 2019

Getting Smaller

Too blustery for cycling today so went for a walk instead. Actually went to a couple of bike shops and had a look round what was on sale - contemplating getting a new machine.Was nearly back home when_ Jerrie:I have to be honest to You, I study her feed very carefully on social media, I follow [...]

I like him tho and he does too but the whole age thing makes me uncomfortable.
(12 July 2019)

The problem is that he is 16 or 17 and I'm 19. I kind of like him too but I don't want to date a guy younger than me, especially two years younger.
(12 July 2019)

There is this really cute guy that likes me and recently, he asked me out.
(12 July 2019)

Most people assume I'm 15-16. So, here is the problem.
(12 July 2019)

I'm a 19 year old girl but I look a lot younger.
(12 July 2019)

What do guys do to girls at foreplay?
(12 July 2019)

Like, before sex what do they do to girls?
(12 July 2019)

My friends are mad because I wasn't bullied?
(12 July 2019)

How can I stop them from being mad?
(12 July 2019)

All of my friends were subject to bullying and they assumed I was because of my personality and now they are ignoring me.
(12 July 2019)

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