Tuesday 23 July 2019

i have a huge weakness for freckles

[image]_ Walter:Is it weird that i do this on my spare time.(20 July 2019) Walter:I like reading articles in travel, sports, food, technoogy, cars, and starting to read politics.(20 July 2019) Walter:I like to read news articles online.(20 July 2019) Lyn:If you tell a girl you like her and she says she wants to meet, what does that mean?(20 [...]

Today he looks completely different.
(20 July 2019)

For instance, he couldn't stand my tears but instead of hugging me and comforting me he went directly to the person who hurt him and started the fight.
(20 July 2019)

I'm not complaining but when we met 7 years ago (I was 16 he was 19) he constantly upset, used to scold me a lot, has trouble, argued with his brother to the point of going away from home, used to treat me bad and protect me at the same time.
(20 July 2019)

Does she have other intentions?
(20 July 2019)

Why do men date really unattractive women?
(20 July 2019)

WDYT of the name Elias Josiah?
(20 July 2019)

Where on my body should I get this tattoo?
(20 July 2019)

Where is a good place for this (I was thinking on my inner thigh or above my thigh along the pelvis area).
(20 July 2019)

The tattoo will read (in cursive). Never forget all who treated you right; forget and never forgive all who treated you wrong.
(20 July 2019)

I'm thinking about getting the saying as a tattoo. Where should I get it?
(20 July 2019)

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