Friday 12 July 2019

Are You Writing A Book?

“Are you writing a book?” That’s kind of thing you might have said if you were still living in the 50s era meaning, “you’re asking too many questions”If you could would y_ Devorah:He said yes but you have to put down your walls a bit.(6 July 2019) Devorah:I found this strange I said yes because i’m powerful [...]

I'm afraid to talk about that to my gf, that she's think I am weak.
(9 July 2019)

I need so bad to tell someone, my friends are just insensitive guys who wouldn't understand.
(9 July 2019)

Where do I find the strength to be the catalyst of change in my marriage when I come home from work feeling hopeless about my marriage?
(9 July 2019)

If not vacation then a STD-free hooker.
(9 July 2019)

I almost want to divorce her and leave her everything so I can have a damn vacation... Not happening, but I need it badly.
(9 July 2019)

She works 9 to 5 like I do and she has her own agendas she wants done (which I end up helping her on more than my own agendas) so nothing ever gets done with her (that and our sex life is dead, has been for YEARRRRSSSSS). What can I do?
(9 July 2019)

My wife is NOT supportive at all.
(9 July 2019)

I'll admit, the cats, and the two youngest get the least attention from me as it is but I need less of my time dedicated to the people I am focused on to get anything done.
(9 July 2019)

I have 10 living things I need to dedicate my time to.
(9 July 2019)

I get literally only 4 hours of time when I get home from work to do anything.
(9 July 2019)

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