Monday 2 September 2019

To Be or Not To Be that is the question

” TO BE, OR NOT TO BE,…..THAT IS THE QUESTION ” by Shakespare A connection is not something we choose, you dont go out on day and meet someone and say i have a c_ Lorelei:To make it worse, I found out they are in a new relationship for almost a month now.(1 September 2019) Lorelei:I just [...]

Since my uncle is getting divorced is his wife, soon to be ex, no longer family?
(30 August 2019)

Is it wrong to not take your husband's last name?
(30 August 2019)

Looking for opinions on if I should just change my name as is tradition or of it's okay to want to keep the name ive had my whole life.
(30 August 2019)

I need to really talk to him about it, but don't know how to broach the subject or if I'm in the wrong for wanting to keep my name.
(30 August 2019)

His family is very traditional so I'm not sure if it would insult him if I said I preferred to keep my last name.
(30 August 2019)

I don't want to go through all of that hassle or have to spell his name to every person since it's really confusing to most people.
(30 August 2019)

I don't want to have to change it on every document, website, and card in my life.
(30 August 2019)

It is the name I got my degrees in and it's the name I had from my father who passed away recently.
(30 August 2019)

So to get into the meat of things, I don't have any desire to change my last name.
(30 August 2019)

He was with me nearly every day for weeks at the hospital when my father was dying.
(30 August 2019)

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