Friday 13 September 2019

¿Donde está el pecado?

Totalmente perdido por el criterio a seguir.[ ]_ Jerry:He asked me out and i found out he had a girlfriend and i broke it off with him. i told him that he shouldn’t do that.(7 September 2019) Jerry:This guy I met, told me he and his girlfriend broke up.(7 September 2019) Elizebeth:Does she secretly have a thing for [...]

How can I convince my daughter not to vaccinate her newborn?
(10 September 2019)

Now she is planning to have her new son vaccinated.
(10 September 2019)

I am a 59-year-old English Catholic and I have a 26-year-old daughter.
(10 September 2019)

DO you ever feel like a burden to your parents?
(10 September 2019)

How can I make guy friends without seeing them as potential boyfriends?
(10 September 2019)

I want more guy friends but every time I see one I always think they could be my next boyfriend.
(10 September 2019)

What do you do when you have a failure hr?
(10 September 2019)

The harrassers looked at me and said ' It doesn't help if you complain' What is the hr failing to do?
(10 September 2019)

So when I came back in the next day I had employees trying to start stuff, employees joining in the harrasment, employees hostile with me and spiteful with me.
(10 September 2019)

The first hr report I filed caused the harrassers to go out to all the employees and talk to them.
(10 September 2019)

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