Tuesday 3 September 2019


forgive spelling and grammar errors 1. what is it that a good (generally) guy cannot find somebody to hook up with? I understand that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea…but noones cup of tea??? highly un_ Oralee:We’re both girls, in high school.(25 August 2019) Ciera:Fiance refuses to get a wedding ring or engagement ring ether?(25 August 2019) Ciera:Hes [...]

I started it because I was insecure about myself and it was ruining the relationship, and when I tried to fix it before we officially broke up he said he didn't want to go back on his word.
(1 September 2019)

How would you feel? What would you say when your boyfriend asked you if he could go to the strip club?
(1 September 2019)

Would you let your boyfriend go?
(1 September 2019)

I know he will honest if i ask, im just having second thoughts about letting him go.
(1 September 2019)

I left his house one night around 11:30 because i fell alseep and didnt want to drive home super late since i was tired, well i got home and he texted me asking if he could go with his 3 drunk friends to a strip club.
(1 September 2019)

My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months, hes 18 almost 19 and im 17. Im a senior in highschool and he works full time.
(1 September 2019)

Help with pregnancy question?
(1 September 2019)

My girlfriend is pregnant we went for an ultrasound they said she was 5 weeks 6 days on August 29th when we asked conception date they said August 2nd or 3rd we hadnt had sex since July 25th amd 26th does this mean it s not my child?
(1 September 2019)

Do I have to keep living with my parents?
(1 September 2019)

I just want to get away from my parents, but it seems that I'm stuck, unless I want to die.
(1 September 2019)

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