Friday 26 April 2019

What makes you delay your orgasm?

Not a lot of feedback on the “quicker” question. So, there must be a lot of interest in slowing the show. Now tell me, when you are about to explode and you know the partner is not there yet and you_ Dominique:Should people have concern over me just because my boyfriend talks about marriage and a [...]

Baby isnt peeing alot?
(23 April 2019)

DDLG..... Can i be into it even if i'm 13?
(23 April 2019)

What do i say to someone about it?
(23 April 2019)

Is it acceptable for me to be a 13 year old and into DDLG?
(23 April 2019)

I just want to know 3 things: Am i too young for this?
(23 April 2019)

I don't have a Daddy or anything but i want one at some point.
(23 April 2019)

I've liked DDLG for a while but, as a 13 year old i don't know whether to tell anyone about it because i'm afraid of being rejected and hated for it.
(23 April 2019)

What does uterus anteverted and bulky mean?
(23 April 2019)

I'm 9 weeks pregnant today I had my first ultrasound.
(23 April 2019)

What's one thing that would stop you from dating someone?
(23 April 2019)

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