Thursday 11 April 2019

The World

3-13-17: The World. The last of the 21 cards in the Major Arcana, The World most often signifies the true end of a cycle, project, whatever you’ve been into that needs some finishing touches. You’ve_ Patsy:Woman outside of your age group problem. You being a teenager when she wasn’t in some year in the past?(5 April [...]

I didn't say anything just looked away and ignored him for the rest of the day.
(7 April 2019)

He walked by me again but this time we were walking past each other, i looked at him but he didn't look at me but he was walking slower than usual.
(7 April 2019)

The more he catches me staring the more he seems like he wants me to talk to him.
(7 April 2019)

He has caught me staring too many times and i dont know what to do.
(7 April 2019)

He turned around going back the way he came from.
(7 April 2019)

When i looked at him again he was smiling but he wasn't smiling at me but in my direction.
(7 April 2019)

He quickly turned around and looked at me, i quickly looked away.
(7 April 2019)

My crush was walking across from me and when he passed i was staring at the back of his head.
(7 April 2019)

Teens and adults! Think you can do anything you want? Well think again?
(7 April 2019)

What else do you have to say for yourself?
(7 April 2019)

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