Thursday 14 March 2019

Three to five million illegal votes?

Trump and other fabulists claim three to five million illegal aliens voted in the last presidential election. The best estimates of the secretaries of state in the fifty states is more like fifty or s_ Kasie:Our time together is always based on someone needing something from someone, or a holiday.(10 March 2019) Kasie:The thing that’s bothering me [...]

He also expressed how I'm the only person he can have meaningful conversations with, how much chemistry we have and we just completely understand each other.
(11 March 2019)

He explains how sorry he is and how I'm the one person he shouldn't have cut out but he felt like he had to because he felt like we were more than just friends.
(11 March 2019)

I didn't respond right away so he tries calling me.. twice.
(11 March 2019)

After 2 years of not speaking, I get a message from him with an apology 3 in the morning so I knew he probably drank a little.
(11 March 2019)

He started dating this girl and ended up unfollowing me on social media and stopped talking to me.
(11 March 2019)

We hooked up a couple times in college where we both somewhat regretted but continued to be good friends.
(11 March 2019)

We are two peas in a pod and we have better chemistry than girls he usually dates.
(11 March 2019)

So, I have a best guy friend and we've been friends for over 10 years.
(11 March 2019)

Why are feminists ruining the world?
(11 March 2019)

Most are afraid to engage in consensual sex without being accused of raped.
(11 March 2019)

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