Sunday 18 September 2016

SSBBW Adventures

She was a pretty nurse with a giant ass. Her pictures got me going, but her quirky personality had me stick around. Even though she was cute and the tempting pictures of her massive ass turned me on, // Leda:Is it okay if an 11 year old boy cries when getting a shot?(10 September 2016) Eleanora:I am [...]

Should you be friends with people like that?
(17 September 2016)

I am no longer friends with him of courde.
(17 September 2016)

I usef to have a friend who was amazing but every time i got into a foght with him he would insult me.
(17 September 2016)

I wanna go back to my old homeroom?
(17 September 2016)

But my friend got moved too, so can he go back too?
(17 September 2016)

And I had friends in my old class.
(17 September 2016)

They're rude and my teachers are weird, but my old teachers were cool.
(17 September 2016)

I don't like the people in my new homeroom.
(17 September 2016)

But there's a new student in my old homeroom and she's not getting moved and shes newer than i am so is there a chance I can go back to my old homeroom?
(17 September 2016)

Me and like 50 other kids got moved from our old homerooms because the school was overfilled, and we were the newer students.
(17 September 2016)

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