Friday 16 September 2016

So how do you prove to them that you can solve their problem?

I had a good resume, and the people at the company knew I went to a good school. I thought I had the offer in the bag. But I never heard back from them. Meanwhile behind the scenes, companies are playing a totally different game. Do the job before you get the job._ Tashia:What should … Continue reading "So how do you prove to them that you can solve their problem?"

What do you think of my poem when all I feel about ppl and this world is one word?
(16 September 2016)

How do you send a message to aliens physically?
(16 September 2016)

Can 21 year old man get 61 year old woman pregnant?
(16 September 2016)

Nephele Opinion!?
(16 September 2016)

Opinions on the Greek girls name Nephele (NEF-el-ee) meaning Cloud.
(16 September 2016)

How can I stop heart beating when I see my ex????help pls?
(16 September 2016)

Why is this girl doing this to me and making me wait a few more years?
(16 September 2016)

I couldn't find anyone on my own so I have resulted in getting family to help me.
(16 September 2016)

I am ticked off because I am turning 26 this october and I want to have a family of my own.
(16 September 2016)

I was supposed to meet her this summer and now she said earlier this year that she wanted to wait a few more years.
(16 September 2016)

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