Wednesday 7 September 2016

Red Dress

Rated PG this time…_ Toby:This school year just started and the second day just passed and I still don’t have his number.(30 August 2016) Toby:There’s this guy I’ve had my eyes on for a year.(30 August 2016) Nana:Starting off a conversation?(30 August 2016) Nana:It seems extremely weird to me to just walk up to her in the hallway and [...]

I turned back to see who it was but she had already moved forward but smiled at me again later on.
(6 September 2016)

While we were playing, she walked past me and hit me on the butt with the bat thing.
(6 September 2016)

I spoke to her quickly before we started but she didn't have the chance to reply.
(6 September 2016)

During PE we were playing with these rolled up magazines which we were using as pretend bats I guess to hit a ball around the field.
(6 September 2016)

There's this really shy girl in my class, and we are sort of friends,she is really nice though.
(6 September 2016)

How can I get alone time in my relationship?
(6 September 2016)

We don't even like to go to the store without each other so I have no clue how I could escape for a couple hours every now and then.
(6 September 2016)

What are some things I can do to give us both alone time without it seeming like I've lost interest?
(6 September 2016)

I think this is part of the cause of arguments... too much time together.
(6 September 2016)

We don't really have other friends and usually we like to do our hobbies together such as shopping, going to the gym, seeing a movie.
(6 September 2016)

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