Monday 12 September 2016

Going for the Gold

So here we are at the beginning of another year.All in all, a meaningless milestone, but what the heck, it’s a frame of reference.2014 was a total blur. Where the fuck did it go. Hello 2015.I joined_ Shanell:The college I go to is mostly white kids, and most white kids look very similar, so I can’t [...]

I only know his name, the city hes living in -if hes still alive of course- the name of his friend and the birthday of his friend.
(11 September 2016)

I met him at a time when facebook didnt exist.
(11 September 2016)

Dumping male friend?
(11 September 2016)

I don't want a male friend but I want a husband.
(11 September 2016)

Marraige is better than fling relations.
(11 September 2016)

And will never sleep before matter how hot he is.
(11 September 2016)

Anyway I will leave him and if he called or text I won't respond only short text like ok ..Nice. .hi I will search for another man who will marry me instead.
(11 September 2016)

He wants sex and don't want to commit.
(11 September 2016)

Is this bad or okay to have some fun?
(11 September 2016)

I'm looking for that, but is it okay to have fun every once in a while?
(11 September 2016)

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