Tuesday 20 September 2016


I’m thick Black man I have my own place car looking to date see what happens I wouldn’t mind helping here and there from time to time for the woman I’m with so if interested attach full body pix, contact info, and let see what happens one more thing please make it [...]

He hugs me and say that he loves me.
(19 September 2016)

But at school he acts the same with me.
(19 September 2016)

I know what contemplating means but I just wanna know if it's like a break up sign or?
(19 September 2016)

I just wanna know what it means.
(19 September 2016)

He answered with a contemplating life, questioning my life choices.
(19 September 2016)

We were texting and I asked him what he was doing.
(19 September 2016)

Okay so I've been in a four month relationship with my boyfriend.
(19 September 2016)

I'm 17, almost 18, but I have a woman's body, like, wide hips, small waist and people tend to think I'm 20, 21, and it is very very annoying, men are always checking me out and I get uncomfortable, and I dress pretty normal.
(19 September 2016)

Does it mean anything when girls compliment you?
(19 September 2016)

I really dont know if she compliments other dudes ive never seen it but then again i dont really see her interact too much with other people because i really dont see her much at work.
(19 September 2016)

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