Friday 23 September 2016

aqui toy yo

madrid, All States, Spain // Breann:Ok i want to ask this girl to homecoming and i just need help on how to do it?(14 September 2016) Breann:But she did say she likes white guys so if anyone could please give me ideas on how to ask her that would be great.(14 September 2016) Breann:I dont [...]

Sometimes theyll even hang out or spend the night together aftwrwards without me.
(21 September 2016)

I tried to like the bands but im just not into them and dont want to pretend to be something im not to fit in.
(21 September 2016)

They invite me along sometimes and have even mentioned that it would be fun if i went too.
(21 September 2016)

The thing is, im not interested in those bands.
(21 September 2016)

The 3 of them are interested in bands and always obsess over them and go to concerts together.
(21 September 2016)

Im in a group of four friends including me.
(21 September 2016)

I'm jealous of my girlfriend! Please help!?
(21 September 2016)

And he unblocked my number on whatsapp but im scared he will block me again if i say the wrong thing what do i do?
(21 September 2016)

Also he views my snaps that i send him like he opens them as soon as i send.
(21 September 2016)

I even saw pics with him in them.
(21 September 2016)

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