Tuesday 20 September 2016

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My mom never complains about paying for my car.
(19 September 2016)

I live check to check while putting small sums in savings.
(19 September 2016)

I wish I could support myself but I can't yet.
(19 September 2016)

She has a good job and can afford it but I feel like less of an adult.
(19 September 2016)

I feel bad for having my mom pay for my car.
(19 September 2016)

I can pay my own gas, food, and ect and I try to put some in savings so I can move on my own after i graduate.
(19 September 2016)

I went to school for grooming at 18. I make some money but not enough to pay for everything.
(19 September 2016)

I am a full time student for human services and I own my own pet grooming business.
(19 September 2016)

Why can t I have a normal friendship with a beautiful woman?
(19 September 2016)

But why can t I just stop thinking about her all the time?
(19 September 2016)

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