Friday 2 September 2016

A Personal Note

My son is in the Navy and is deploying to the Persian Gulf today. Please keep him and everyone that is in harm’s way in your thoughts and prayers. It’s sad that both of us have been to that part of th_ Valda:What are the chances that it was my estranged sister who rang my apt [...]

I'm 12 I have a crush on a girl who just turned 13 what should I do?
(1 September 2016)

I don't really know her that well but I see her once a week at a Christian you group I go to i don't really know what to do any help would be much appreciated thanks.
(1 September 2016)

I've had the crush for about 5 months now.
(1 September 2016)

I was casually involved with this guy then he disappeared without saying goodbye. the other day, 16 months later i ran into him, three days later he called and wanted me to go to his place of which i declined.
(1 September 2016)

Were you ever in a relationship were everything was as close to perfect as possible for a long time together, but it unfortunately ended?
(1 September 2016)

Everything else is going well, but you the consider flaws in one another after a long, long, long time together.
(1 September 2016)

Ex: While you may have known that XY was Catholic and XX was Atheist, you never thought that it would be a problem until you consider the future of both of you.
(1 September 2016)

You both LOVE each other, but know that things wouldn't work well.
(1 September 2016)

After a long time together, planning your future, of you notices some flaws in the other that are significant in a relationship that may result in reconsidering marriage and the relationship.
(1 September 2016)

My ex boyfriend recently apologized for the way he's treated me in the past out of the blue. Wondering what his motives are?
(1 September 2016)

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