Friday 18 October 2019

I’m not familiar with the type of thing I’m witnessing

I remember seeing Planes , Trains and Automobiles as a youth as thinking it sucked . But seeing it as an adult it’s not bad . Usually it’s the other way around - something I loved as a kid s_ Diana:Will most men cheat if given the opportunity?(11 October 2019) Anette:Advice for losing a close friend (death) [...]

She also got a house the closing date is November 14th.
(15 October 2019)

How do i get her to say yes to that.
(15 October 2019)

I want to stay at least till the end of the semester. which ends in dec.
(15 October 2019)

And getting lost. i have this big fear of getting lost.
(15 October 2019)

I'm already having anxiety about being the new girl.
(15 October 2019)

I stayed in the same house for 10 years before this.
(15 October 2019)

She doesn't want me to stay there... But i want to stay with my friends. i love them so much.
(15 October 2019)

My mom and i just moved from a rich area to a not so rich area.
(15 October 2019)

Hello ladies, does sex feel better to you if the man has a large (but not freakishly large) penis?
(15 October 2019)

Also, can you feel a significant difference between say a 5 inch penis and a 7 inch penis?
(15 October 2019)

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