Thursday 17 October 2019

fun fact

Bicycle runs on FAT and saves you Money amp;Car Runs on Money and makes you FAT_ Emilee:Everyone blames me for my brother grabbing me and choking me this past summer.How do I get them to see it is wrong to grab and choke a woman?(8 October 2019) Emilee:Even our grandmother blames me and got my cousin to [...]

My boyfriend works nights 6pm to 6am 5 days a week.
(13 October 2019)

Have you ever skipped a family wedding because you just didn't feel like going?
(13 October 2019)

Does anyone else understand where I'm coming from?
(13 October 2019)

My relatives who did attend were asking about me, so I feel guilty for not seeing them, but at the same time, I honestly just didn't feel up to it.
(13 October 2019)

For these reasons, I declined the invite.
(13 October 2019)

It also didn't help that I personally don't enjoy wedding receptions anyway, even though I do wish the couples well.
(13 October 2019)

I wanted time alone in peace rather than at a loud event with lots of people.
(13 October 2019)

On top of that, when I was asked to commit to the invite, I was under a lot of physical and mental stress in my life between being extremely busy at work and having issues with my own relationship.
(13 October 2019)

However, that particular cousin and I are not close and we don't always get along when we do see each other.
(13 October 2019)

We're Asian-American, so in general, family is important to us.
(13 October 2019)

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