Friday 9 November 2018

Wanna play

Wanna have fun with this_ Catalina:Women can you easily tell if a guy likes you?(3 November 2018) Catalina:Ill admit she has a beautiful smile but im terrible with people I cant have a simple conversation without overthinking.(3 November 2018) Catalina:Besides most of the pretty girls are always taken anyways.(3 November 2018) Catalina:I dont want her to think im a [...]

She pretends I don t exist unless I say something first.
(7 November 2018)

But since then, it seems like she s been avoiding me.
(7 November 2018)

Later we had a talk about it and she agreed to not let him stay so late and that she would let me know when he was there.
(7 November 2018)

One day I didn t know he was there and I opened the unlocked door and she and her boyfriend were naked.
(7 November 2018)

When I came back, her boyfriend stayed until 11:30 sometimes on school nights.
(7 November 2018)

He would come into our room about three days a week and she texted me that I should come back at 9:30 pm.
(7 November 2018)

Then she started dating this guy.
(7 November 2018)

She was fine at first but started talking to me less and less but I was still putting in an effort.
(7 November 2018)

I am going to wait and see if I miss my period in 12 days to take another test but in the mean time is there anything else this could be?
(7 November 2018)

I know that since I took the test so far away from my period that it is possible that it is a false negative.
(7 November 2018)

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