Friday 30 November 2018

A time to give thanks (RE-POST)

Every year at this time I post this so that new members can view it without searching. It is thought provoking.Thanksgiving is a holiday unique to the U.S. although it is also celebrated at St. Paul’s_ Dani:What does that mean when a guy tend to stare at my hair and lips continuously while speaking to me [...]

Was I wrong to encourage individualism in my marriage? Did I create our irreconcilable differences because I refused to be a Christian?
(29 November 2018)

Did I mess things up by being a liberal?
(29 November 2018)

My arrogance and my rejection I think contributed more to the problems in my household than anything else.
(29 November 2018)

I'm actually not a Christian and I was never raised with the Bible in mind, everything I do is because I thought it was a good idea and no one else told me what to think because I wouldn't have listened to them anyways.
(29 November 2018)

I think my Rebellion against Christianity after we got married using Christian vows has created all of the irreconcilable differences between me and my wife.
(29 November 2018)

Today I'm on a totally different way of thinking and I'm sure a lot of you are going to be happy that I'm taking personal accountability for the problems in my relationship.
(29 November 2018)

Ugly chick with high status man get married.Does her fortune or education count?
(29 November 2018)

My friend just found out that her mom is cheating on her dad with her godfather?
(29 November 2018)

Any tips on what I can say to make her feel better?
(29 November 2018)

She says that she thinks her mom is going to leave, and she s really scared.
(29 November 2018)

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