Friday, 16 December 2016

Need help - anyone?

Ok I keep getting flagged but don’t know wby, I’ve tried all areas to post this in but keep getting flagged. I’m not looking to meet with anyone. IM trying to find someone that is willing to talk to me about a specific subject. Has to do with sex, but itstill a serious question, not [...]

I feel like if I was a boy my dad wouldn't pay attention to only my brothers.
(16 December 2016)

How do I handle the sadness that comes a Christmas over lost family relationships and two deaths in the family?
(16 December 2016)

So how do I get over the sadness I feel Christmas for those lost and for the two people that have died?
(16 December 2016)

I am 25 and I didn't care as a kid but as an adult I really feel sad about it especially because I've tried to extend an olive branch with no success.
(16 December 2016)

Part of the family doesn't like me because of whose child I am.
(16 December 2016)

I've tried extending an olive branch but it has not worked.
(16 December 2016)

How do I go about putting someone in rehab?
(16 December 2016)

My mother is addicted to meth and needs help BAD I'm 20 and live on my own but my sister lives with her and I'm worried for her wellbeing growing up was hell enough for me.
(16 December 2016)

How can people trust their partners in the dating world these days?
(16 December 2016)

People don't care as much anymore and it's obvious.
(16 December 2016)

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