See the Divine One. God sees all.Beckons us to come. // Doreen:What is a healthy relationship?(24 November 2016) Doreen:Like what are the key functions of a healthy relationship?(24 November 2016) Doreen:Does it include being able to talk to other girls while in a relationship?(24 November 2016) Marilu:What does ‘’scared to lose your friendship” mean (read description)?(24 November 2016) Marilu:How are [...]
Later on, a European man walked in and she went to help him, ignoring my extistence.
(16 December 2016)
Today I was in a shop and a friendly emoployee came to help me around.
(16 December 2016)
Before I want to start anything I want to say that I am an Arab.
(16 December 2016)
Switching schools halfway through 8th grade?
(16 December 2016)
Is it rare for mexican females to date or marry someone outside there race?
(16 December 2016)
I recently ask a female mexican on a date and she told me no, She went on to tell me that its rare that mexican females to date or marry outside there race.
(16 December 2016)
I think I'm in love with my best friend's girlfriend?
(16 December 2016)
And I can't get apart from my friends because I'm nothing without them.
(16 December 2016)
I'm not going to try anything with her because I would never be this disrespectful with my best friend, and I know she likes me a lot, but as a friend.
(16 December 2016)
Every time that I'm with them I try very hard not to look at her to much, and I feel so good when I make she laught.
(16 December 2016)
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