Saturday, 12 November 2016

Miss passion? Still looking!

It would be great to have the passion back.. Not looking for a hook up I am married and don’t judge me unless you are perfect…I prefer the ages between 35-50…and a man in the Lima area, long distance don’t work.. I know there are men out there that are in the same boat as [...]

I'm 17 and just had a baby girl a week ago.
(12 November 2016)

How do I cope with my raging baby fever?
(12 November 2016)

Does anybody know any cures for my baby fever?
(12 November 2016)

I sometimes feel like my husband doesn't understand why I feel this way.
(12 November 2016)

I also get emotional when I see babies in the Store or in movies (Juno, Baby's Day Out). Silly huh?
(12 November 2016)

I sort of envy my friends who have babies.
(12 November 2016)

He has a pretty good job but is thinking of leaving soon to look for another and I am having some troubles with my own and might have to look for another as well.
(12 November 2016)

Financially, however, I know we are not ready.
(12 November 2016)

We both want two (hopefully twin) boys and have names picked out.
(12 November 2016)

That made me happy because we both were on the same page about wanting to have children together, because we love each other.
(12 November 2016)

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