Monday 3 December 2018

Wicked Wednesdays

Happy Wicked Wednesday my friends!!! On this day before a great day off for a holiday here. These are just some thoughts that I have had lately. What are you thoughts????_ Claudine:Im 10 and i got depression?(2 December 2018) Claudine:I might give my friend robux got Christmas like 500 and like make her like me I wish [...]

I don't speak for her but just what i know.
(2 December 2018)

I'm going to tell you a little bit about us.
(2 December 2018)

There was this girl I met in my freshman class.
(2 December 2018)

Single moms - question about group travel..?
(2 December 2018)

About how much would you spend on a weekend trip away, and would you feel more comfortable going in a group with other moms?
(2 December 2018)

When are the kids expected home?
(2 December 2018)

When do you drop your kids off with their dad?
(2 December 2018)

What times do you usually have available over the weekend?
(2 December 2018)

I have a fairly new travel agency, and I would like to put together group trips for single moms who don't have their kids for the weekend.
(2 December 2018)

What should I do when the place I applied to hasn't called me?
(2 December 2018)

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