Sunday 21 October 2018

Group SEX- Picture for the Night Owls!!!

Say Hi if you are still uphappyf;_ Sade:Poll:Is she fake?(18 October 2018) Rosa:I love my boyfriend but I can’t trust him?(18 October 2018) Rosa:I’d like to believe he loves me too after two years of dating.(18 October 2018) Rosa:Our relationship is not good but he’s the love of my life and I feel like I won’t find somebody better.(18 [...]

Do you think is true....?
(19 October 2018)

If a girl grabs a guys butt he'd most likely be flattered and play it off, but if a guy grabs a girls butt she'd probably slap him and charge him with assault?
(19 October 2018)

How do you know when your best friend is pushing away?
(19 October 2018)

I feel as if my best friend is pushing away from me.
(19 October 2018)

Why do plus size girls become a target of bullying?
(19 October 2018)

Would you prefer to marry a skinny girl or a plus size girl and if the girl that you are going to marry is a plus size lady would you tell her to lose weight or accept her the way she is.
(19 October 2018)

What names can you get out of maddalena?
(19 October 2018)

I just needed a little help in finding a name that sounds similar to mine in a way.
(19 October 2018)

My name is maddalena and I am pregnant with a girl.
(19 October 2018)

Why would a man unblock someone on his Facebook page that he already blocked if he didn't know them?
(19 October 2018)

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