Tuesday 2 May 2017

My Ass

I don’t mind my ass, do you?[image]_ Crystle:I forgot a simple task next thing I know they want to write me up.(2 May 2017) Crystle:I didn’t say anything but she did… But ever since she’s weird towards me.(2 May 2017) Crystle:She apologized for setting me up for failure.(2 May 2017) Crystle:She claimed she did but I know for a [...]

I m the type of person that is the most respectful person you ll ever meet.
(1 May 2017)

But anyhow when I say that I ve fallen for her I mean I ve FALLEN for this girl because she is so amazingly perfect inside and out.
(1 May 2017)

But there is one problem and some have already guessed it by now but she has a boyfriend and supposedly they are in a serious relationship and all but I ve seen them around each other and I don t believe it.
(1 May 2017)

But then I started to learn all kinds of things about her and it turns out we have a lot in common, like a lot, and ever since I can t get her off of my mind like everything I do I think about her at least five times while doing it.
(1 May 2017)

Me and this girl have talked before but not seriously or anything just as friends.
(1 May 2017)

So then I saw this extremely beautiful girl and I sit near her at lunch and I overhear all of her conversations because the group of friends she is with talks really loud.
(1 May 2017)

Are my parents violating my privacy? (Really long)?
(1 May 2017)

I only started talking to people online because I have a hard time socializing in real life.
(1 May 2017)

They won t let me talk to anyone else.
(1 May 2017)

My parents are held down by the belief that all people online are online predators that want to hurt you.
(1 May 2017)

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