Wednesday 3 May 2017

dear boss

an interesting request_ Marna:She came closer to me all of the sudden she knew i wasnt paying attention she just whispered a joke.(2 May 2017) Marna:I was stnding next to her we both knew its the last day we see each other for a while.(2 May 2017) Sanjuanita:I think i’m pretty but no one else does?(2 May 2017) Sanjuanita:Of [...]

What should I do to my child?
(2 May 2017)

She's been hanging with gangs and saying nasty stuff.
(2 May 2017)

She is 11 years old and I am disgusted.
(2 May 2017)

My child has been naughty and smoking.
(2 May 2017)

Parents: Did you know that if your children are bigger and stronger than you, you can't make them do anything?
(2 May 2017)

They don't have to obey you, and there's nothing they can do.
(2 May 2017)

Why is it when an attractive man sexually harasses a woman, it is considered harmless flirting?
(2 May 2017)

Was my principal right or wrong?
(2 May 2017)

And she wont listen to our stories.
(2 May 2017)

But she thinks he lying so we can't go on the 8th grade trip and we have to eat lunch in the office the rest of the year.
(2 May 2017)

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