Wednesday, 14 December 2016

your profile says “female”,but your profile says your a “couple”, thats “baby catfishing”

It never seems to amaze us, how many “single females” here advertise that way, but are cleary in a “couple relationship”, but I guess they want the benefits of being a “single female “on here, welllll // Shelly:When you are arguing and fighting, is it right to not invite the person you’re dating out to a [...]

When I was young, my parents separated and my Dad got custody of my siblings and I.
(12 December 2016)

Is she fine about me?
(12 December 2016)

Do you think it's fine or I'm just over estimating?
(12 December 2016)

What to say to someone who keeps trying to invite themselves along on trips you're going on? They say-I was planning on traveling there too?
(12 December 2016)

Manipulative (yes-but it's becoming obvious to me at least). What to say to the traveling question?
(12 December 2016)

This same person tries to act all charming to obviously get an invite to my house. (I ditched that attempt.) I'd distance myself totally-but they are part of my social circle.
(12 December 2016)

Even you're driving to a relatives house (it's far away). I'm stunned by these types-are they sociopaths?
(12 December 2016)

I'm in love with my current boyfriend, but it still hurts when I see my ex?
(12 December 2016)

I want to talk to my current boyfriend about him, but I feel like that would cause fight or make him feel insecure.
(12 December 2016)

I guess that it means that I'm not over him completely.
(12 December 2016)

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