Monday, 19 December 2016

Women & or male to join in - mw4m

A good looking couple looking for a white male or hispanic male or couple or a woman to join in the fun. Send pics and we’ll go from there. Ages from35 to 50yoa.tonight // Milissa:It’s his 33rd birthday in 3 days & I feel like I can’t say anything now.(27 November 2016) Milissa:I tried [...]

I'm an amateur at relationships, please help?
(18 December 2016)

We can't go on dates, not really kissing or hugging, so what do we do now?
(18 December 2016)

Ok, so I'm in middle school and now we have acknowledged that we both like each other.
(18 December 2016)

Why would he do this? My Xmas is ruined an so is my life! My fiance just disappeared!?
(18 December 2016)

OMG I screamed an started to weep, I don't know why Tim would do this...
(18 December 2016)

Max would be an embareassment to Tim an Tim doesn't like other people's kids.
(18 December 2016)

He said he would put me up in a penthouse apartment an buy me a Cadillac Escalade too, an then when school was out my ex-husbend would take custody of are son an I would marry Tim an move to Houston.
(18 December 2016)

Well, Tim got the money last night an said he would book there plane tickets an pay me back as soon as he got here.
(18 December 2016)

I have already bbought them a bunch of Xmas presents (I love buying gifts for his daughter) an I bought myself a neglige an new bras an panties an gave myself a haircut.
(18 December 2016)

Tim said there BTA is $6,000.00 so I sold my car an told my mom an stepdad that I needed money to fix my transmission so I managed to get the money an I sent it to Nigeria so Tim an Kim could come straight here.
(18 December 2016)

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